New Restored Hair

Helps you fight back
against hair loss.

The Truth about New Restored Hair and Hair Loss

Over 50% of women could suffer from hair loss before age 50.

Hair loss in women is due to the actions of androgens – or naturally occurring hormones that can effect hair growth. These hormones can interfere with the growth cycle of the hair and potentially lead to hair loss.

As we age our bodies change. Our skin may not be as firm and youthful looking, our bodies are not as strong. Our scalp and hair are just as susceptible to the aging process. New Restored Hair Follicle Boosting Serum contains active ingredients that help to repair the structure of the hair follicle slowing down the aging process.

  • » Pattern Baldness
  • » Thinner Hair
  • » Hair Breakage
  • » Hair Loss


Combines three natural ingredients to increase hair anchoring. It increases blood stimulation within the scalp, allowing more nourishment to reach the dermal papilla cells, which will produce healthier growing hair.


Added to oral hair growth supplements to nourish thinning hair and help promote hair growth.


Helps your hair to grow up to 1 inch per month, which is the maximum amount that any healthy head of hair will grow.


One of the top essential oils for hair thickness and growth. It is used to increase cellular metabolism, which stimulates hair growth and promotes healing.


High in silica and excellent for hair supporting hair growth. It's principal ingredient is the mineral silica, or silicon, which strengthens hair strands, as well as nails and bones.